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  • According to the ''Tarikh-i Dost Sultan'' written by [[Ötemish Hajji]] in [[Khiva]] in the 1550s, Batu's ulus was officially known as the "White
    15 KB (2.086 kelime) - 19:08, 25 Mart 2017
  • According to the ''Tarikh-i Dost Sultan'' written by [[Ötemish Hajji]] in [[Khiva]] in the 1550s, Batu's ulus was officially known as the "White
    15 KB (2.086 kelime) - 19:08, 25 Mart 2017
  • ...urces' nomenclature and call the left wing the White Horde. But [[Ötemish Hajji]] (fl.1550), a historian of [[Khwarezm]], called the left wing the Blue Hor
    72 KB (10.914 kelime) - 19:09, 25 Mart 2017