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  • ...power as Etzel's wife to take a bloody revenge in which not only Hagen and Gunther but all [[Burgundians|Burgundian]] knights find their death at festivities ...igurðr]] or Siegfried) and the Burgundian King [[Guntram]] ([[Gunnar]] or Gunther), but is later assassinated by Queen [[Fredegund]] ([[Gudrun]] or Kriemhild
    68 KB (10.472 kelime) - 18:28, 26 Mart 2017
  • ...[[Gudrun]]; in [[Wagner]]'s ''[[Ring Cycle]]'', the same occurs between [[Gunther]] and Wagner's version of Sigurd, [[Siegfried (opera)|Siegfried]], which is ...) and Giorgakis Olympios;<ref>{{cite book|author1=Béla K. Király|author2=Gunther Erich Rothenberg|title=War and Society in East Central Europe: The first Se
    13 KB (1.900 kelime) - 10:39, 4 Eylül 2019