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  • *[[Lan (tribe)]]]]. His successful military campaign saw the subjugation of one Xiongnu tribe after another. Ban Chao also sent an envoy named [[Gan Ying]] to [[Daqin]]
    103 KB (15.025 kelime) - 18:27, 26 Mart 2017
  • also survived in the Chingis-khan's house.)</ref> Mongolian [[Khiyad]] tribe's name is probably derived from Huyan.<ref>History of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar ...ribe)|Lan]] (蘭). Both the Huyan and Xubu settled in the east, Qiulin and Lan in the west and Luandi at the center of [[Mongolia]].<ref name=lin/><ref na
    3 KB (418 kelime) - 18:24, 1 Temmuz 2017