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  • '''Bayan I''' was the first [[khagan]] of the [[Avar Khaganate]], between 562 and 602. ...nd [[Bulgars]] migrated into [[Central Europe]] and the [[Balkans]]. Bayan I led the Avars, along with some Bulgars into [[Pannonia]], where the khagana
    6 KB (975 kelime) - 18:26, 26 Mart 2017
  • ...warmed through the province of [[Euphratesia]]. The forces of [[Theodosius I|Emperor Theodosius]] were fully committed in the west so the Huns moved uno [[Alaric I|Alaric's]] brother-in-law, [[Athaulf]], appears to have had Hun mercenaries
    68 KB (10.472 kelime) - 18:28, 26 Mart 2017