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  • ...with a focus on the trade available through the cities of the middle [[Syr Darya]], of which Sayram and Yasi belonged.
    47 KB (6.405 kelime) - 02:22, 4 Ocak 2018
  • ...ake Balkhash]], but later moved to [[Sygnaq]], [[Kazakhstan]] on the [[Syr-Darya]] River.<ref>[] { ...eoccupied most of his ancestors' lands. His horde began to herd around Syr-Darya, replacing the [[Shaybanids]]. Bayan's troops included the Russian and [[Hu
    15 KB (2.086 kelime) - 19:08, 25 Mart 2017
  • ...ake Balkhash]], but later moved to [[Sygnaq]], [[Kazakhstan]] on the [[Syr-Darya]] River.<ref>[] { ...eoccupied most of his ancestors' lands. His horde began to herd around Syr-Darya, replacing the [[Shaybanids]]. Bayan's troops included the Russian and [[Hu
    15 KB (2.086 kelime) - 19:08, 25 Mart 2017
  • Major rivers of the region include the [[Amu Darya]], the [[Syr Darya]], [[Irtysh]], the [[Hari River, Afghanistan|Hari River]] and the [[Morghab ...ximate northeastern Iran. The [[Kyzyl Kum]] Desert is northeast of the Amu Darya, and the [[Karakum Desert]] southwest of it.
    61 KB (8.681 kelime) - 19:23, 25 Mart 2017
  • At its height in the late 13th century, the Khanate extended from the [[Amu Darya]] south of the [[Aral Sea]] to the [[Altai Mountains]] in the border of mod ...second son, received [[Transoxiana]], between the [[Amu Darya]] and [[Syr Darya]] rivers (in modern [[Uzbekistan]]) and the area around [[Kashgar]]. He mad
    17 KB (2.452 kelime) - 19:19, 26 Mart 2017
  • ...f> In 1683 Galdan's armies under Rabtan reached [[Tashkent]] and the [[Syr Darya]] and crushed two armies of the Kazakhs. After that Galdan subjugated the B
    42 KB (6.299 kelime) - 19:22, 26 Mart 2017
  • ...ich is interrupted by two great rivers, the [[Amu Darya]] (Oxus) and [[Syr Darya]] (Jaxartes), which flow northwest into the [[Aral Sea]] and provide irriga
    21 KB (3.038 kelime) - 19:23, 26 Mart 2017
  • ...ion between the [[Amu Darya]] ({{lang-grc|Ώξος}} ''Ốxos'') and [[Syr Darya]] rivers.<ref>Encyclopædia Britannica online</ref> The area had been known ...the southern portion of Transoxiana, (though still to the north of the Amu Darya itself, on the river [[Zeravshan]]), and the majority of the region was dry
    5 KB (772 kelime) - 19:44, 26 Mart 2017