Arama sonuçları

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara
  • ...e khaganate was divided into eastern and western wings. In the second half of the 7th century, both wings were defeated by the [[Tang China]]. However, i ==Qaghans of the Turkic Khaganate==
    12 KB (1.387 kelime) - 18:37, 26 Mart 2017
  • ...mpire's division]])<br/> 1st Emperor of the [[Yuan dynasty]]<br/>[[Emperor of China]] ...death on February 18, 1294. The painting depicts Kublai prior to the onset of obesity from heavy eating and drinking. Kublai's white robes reflect his de
    86 KB (13.164 kelime) - 19:17, 26 Mart 2017
  • *[[Qutb-ud-din Aibak]] - founder of the [[Delhi sultanate]]. in the Primary Chronicle in 1167, when he was defeated by Prince Oleg I of Chernigov. Boniak is often represented as a sorcerer in Rus' folklore.<ref>
    33 KB (5.079 kelime) - 16:06, 25 Mayıs 2017